Car Insurance
What affects your no claims discount?
You may have heard of a no claims discount, but do you understand how they work? Our brainiacs are on a mission to find out more…

Insurance facts: Great driving can be rewarding!
No claims discounts are most common in car insurance. If you don’t make a claim on your policy, you get a discount. The longer you don’t claim, the bigger that discount can get.
They’re another way of saving money on your premium when you’re shopping around.

Do all claims affect
my no claims discount?
It’s not only your driving that can make a difference. Other claims, such as thefts from your vehicle, will also count against you.
You can also buy protection for your no claims discount for a further fee.

Did you know there's
more to it than 'no claims'?
A no claims history can certainly be useful, but remember that there are lots of other things you can do to reduce the overall cost of your car insurance.
A crash that wasn’t your fault normally won’t affect your no claims discount entitlement.