Property Insurance
Does buildings insurance cover contents?
Ever thought about all the things insurance will cover you against? Here’s a list:
Fire, explosion, lightning, earthquake, storm, flood, subsidence, heave or landslip, theft or attempted theft, malicious damage, falling trees or branches, falling TV or satellite devices, riot and impact by aircraft, vehicle or animal.
Home insurance is often split between buildings and contents insurance. But just because you have one… doesn’t mean you automatically have the other. Let’s find out more.
Your buildings insurance
Buildings insurance covers the structure of your home, such as roofs, walls, wallpaper, fitted floors, ceilings and permanent fixtures and fittings like baths, toilets, and fitted kitchens.

Double check your policies
Policies may cover garages, greenhouses and garden sheds, although they can vary so always check that the policy you choose meets your needs.

Contents insurance
This covers your possessions – typically everything that you would take with you when you move. This will include furniture, electrical equipment, and your personal belongings.

Insurance top tips:
Valuable items
Most policies have a separate limit for how much individual items can be worth before you have to declare them individually. This is often around £1,500 and applies to valuables like jewellery. Make sure you tell your insurer about your most valuable possessions so they’re covered if you have to claim.

Combined insurance
It’s increasingly common to buy a combined policy, which provides cover for your buildings AND your contents. The right type of policy for you will depend on your own circumstances.